Started on October 24, 2022 3 weeks

PL Hockey Haute Performance offers you special training for goalkeepers.

Our very first in a series of mini-camps will be “The Games Beyond the Goal Line”. Hockey, at all levels, is changing and the game is getting faster. For this reason, the players, and especially the goalkeepers must adapt. When it comes to following the play beyond the goal line, the ability of the goalkeeper to follow the play while using the right techniques and even planning the pass options is essential. PLHP will offer three sessions that will help you hone your craft beyond the goal line:

Session 1: Our coaches will help you master the correct techniques for entering and exiting your posts.
Session 2: A progression of Session 1, will help you understand how to pair the right techniques for different situations that will arise.
Session 3: In addition to sessions 1 and 2, our coaches will place you in a real game situation where you can refine your game-reading techniques.

The morning concept of this program is to ensure that regardless of your winter team, there will not be any scheduling conflicts. We will be stepping on the ice from 6:30 am to 7:30 am leaving plenty of time to get to school on time. Receiving weekly professional instruction on top of their regular ice times will expedite improvement and definitely offer an advantage.

We will divide the camp into pre-Christmas and post-Christmas portions. This will provide short-term flexibility with finances and long-term flexibility with scheduling.

Goalies that register for the Early Riser Camp will automatically be registered for these three sessions as they will be offered during the same ice times. Goalies that only want to do the coached goalie sessions can register by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.

This camp is for goalies who were born in 2005 and 2013 inclusively and want to, in the future, or are playing for the region’s AAA teams. The three 60-minute on-ice sessions are at a cost of $100 per player (pre-Christmas). 

Paul Leclerc

Paul Leclerc

Owner and High-Performance Coach
en_CAEnglish (Canada)
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